Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is “Bullycide” the New Norm?

Bullycide, a new word created to describe the very abhorrent consequence of bullying. As young as 8 years old, kids resort to suicide as the only way out of bullying, thus the term bullycide. How many times have we learned in the news about bullycide? Many times, and it gets scary every time. Especially for a parent who only wants the best for her kids, the term bullycide is something horrible. But is bullycide the new norm? As we are bombarded with news about suicides caused by bullying, is the term finding its way to the general comprehension of people? Hopefully not. Because by then it indicates that people are accepting the horrible fact that even young kids only have suicide as the only option out of being bullied.


1 comment:

  1. as a mother, i hope that this norm will never have to be popular as it is very scary. the government should do more against cases of bullying to protect our children
